Maxima on Android, available at Google Play (Android market)

Hi Vadim san,

Thanks for mailing me.

> 1, is it possible for the same technique on the standard PC (windows or linux - irrelevant),
Absolutely yes. See below for how.

> 2, can you please show a pointer on how this cool stuff is made, i.e. a pointer on how the application itself is made, so providing a bridge between Maxima and such a cool output.

MathJax is the key component. It is written in Javascript and renders
tex/latex formula appeared in HTML with tex/latex quality.
So, just like imaxima, I set up Maxima to generate response output in
latex and send them to the HTML page run in
Android UI component called WebView.

Some cross platform scripting language with webview capability and the
process invokation capability
would  be ideal to try the same idea on PCs.

As you may know, I am maintaining imaxima and it has been really a
very good environment because of
its beautiful math rendering capability. Now someone should seriously
take a look into MathJax as a rendering
engine for Maxima in PC applications.

Yasuaki Honda

2012/8/16 Konovalov, Vadim (Vadim)** CTR **
<vadim.konovalov at>:
> Hi ????,
>> From: ????
>> The official web site for Maxima on Android is:
> .....
>> Happy math-ing!
> WOW! Let me express huge KUDOS for this stuff.
> two questions, if I may,
> 1, is it possible for the same technique on the standard PC (windows or linux - irrelevant),
> 2, can you please show a pointer on how this cool stuff is made, i.e. a pointer on how the application itself is made, so providing a bridge between Maxima and such a cool output.
> Thanks in advance,
> Vadim..