On 8/19/12 11:02 AM, Paul Bowyer wrote:
> This morning I reported this on github after I determined I could open a
> free account. That was probably the proper place to start anyway, but I
> thought initially that it would cost me money to set up the account.
> Maxima is looking good, it's just this difficulty with wxmaxima that's
> currently the problem. I can return to the the earlier version of
> wxmaxima that was installed, if necessary to clear this difficulty.
Since maxima is working for you, I suspect it's an issue with wxmaxima
handling the output from run_testsuite. I think maxima prints out
special characters to mark the input and output prompts. But the
testsuite just dumps things to standard output that wxmaxima interprets
If you haven't, I think asking the wxmaxima people would be the best
bet. Then we'll know for sure if maxima needs to do something special
for the testsuite.