> When something like
> draw2d(explicit(x,x,0,1))$
> is executed, Maxima generates two files: 'data.gnuplot' and
> 'maxout.gnuplot' in the temporary directory. I'd like to know if they
> are created; if yes, can you send them to me to see if something is
> wrong with the code?
Both files are created as expected. "data.gnuplot" contains 117 lines of
numeric data, and
here is the content of "maxout.gnuplot".
As Robert Dodier said, there is a problem with "set terminal x11", but
the trick with
:lisp (setq *autoconf-win32* "true")
does not seem to work.
set terminal x11 enhanced size 600, 500
set size 1.0, 1.0
set origin 0.0, 0.0
set obj 1 rectangle behind from screen 0.0,0.0 to screen 1.0,1.0
set style rectangle fillcolor rgb '#ffffff' fs solid 1.0 noborder
set size noratio
set xrange [0.0:1.0]
set yrange [0.0:1.0]
set cbrange [*:*]
unset logscale x
unset logscale y
unset logscale cb
unset grid
set title ''
set xlabel ''
set ylabel ''
set border 15
unset xzeroaxis
unset yzeroaxis
set xtics norotate border autofreq
unset x2tics
set ytics norotate border autofreq
unset y2tics
set cbtics autofreq
set colorbox
set cblabel ''
set palette rgbformulae 7,5,15
plot 'C:/mxm/temp/data.gnuplot' index 0 t '' w l lw 1 lt 1 lc rgb
'#0000ff' axis x1y1