regression with draw3d ?

El dom, 26-08-2012 a las 18:53 +0000, Robert Dodier escribi?:
> On 2012-08-26, Jean-Claude Arbaut <jeanclaudearbaut at> wrote:
> > The following works in Maxima on Windows, and fails with Maxima 
> > 5.28 (nothing happens).
> >
> > load(draw)$
> > draw3d(xu_grid = 30, yv_grid = 60, surface_hide = true,
> >     parametric_surface(cos(phi) * sin(theta),
> >                        sin(phi) * sin(theta),
> >                        cos(theta),
> >                        theta, 0, %pi, phi, 0, 2 * %pi))$
> When I try this with Maxima 5.28.0 as installed by the Windows
> installer, I get an error message from Gnuplot. The maxout.gnuplot file
> contains "set terminal x11" which is not a Windows terminal type. I see
> that draw.lisp determines the system type from *WINDOWS-OS* which in
> turn is derived from *AUTOCONF-WIN32* and the value of that is
> "@win32@", not "true" or "false" as expected. So I guess the value of
> *AUTOCONF-WIN32* was not assigned correctly during the build?
> If I enter :lisp (setq *autoconf-win32* "true") before load(draw), then
> I get a picture of a spheroid, as expected.
> Hope this helps,
> Robert Dodier

Thanks for looking at it. Certainly, x11 shouldn't be there.
