Le 27/08/2012 06:36, Jean-Claude Arbaut a ?crit :
> Le 27/08/2012 01:59, Mario Rodriguez a ?crit :
>> El lun, 27-08-2012 a las 01:42 +0200, Mario Rodriguez escribi?:
>>> El dom, 26-08-2012 a las 22:09 +0200, Jean-Claude Arbaut escribi?:
>>>> Both files are created as expected. "data.gnuplot" contains 117
>>>> lines of
>>>> numeric data, and
>>>> here is the content of "maxout.gnuplot".
>>>> As Robert Dodier said, there is a problem with "set terminal x11", but
>>>> the trick with
>>>> :lisp (setq *autoconf-win32* "true")
>>>> does not seem to work.
>>> Try to reload package draw.
>> But re-start Maxima first.
>> --
>> Mario
> Still same problem.
> Here is an experiment : I change "draw .lisp" so that there is
> (setq *autoconf-win32* "true")
> (defvar *windows-OS* (string= *autoconf-win32* "true"))
> ($print *autoconf-win32*)
> ($print *windows-OS*)
> Then when I load, it print
> true
> false
> Next, I change "draw.lisp" again (notice the "setq" instead of "setvar")
> (setq *autoconf-win32* "true")
> (setq *windows-OS* (string= *autoconf-win32* "true"))
> ($print *autoconf-win32*)
> ($print *windows-OS*)
> And I get
> true
> true
> And of xourse I can then plot with
> draw2d(explicit(x,x,0,1))$
> But I have still a problem with Maxima hanged up and gnuplot staying
> open in task manager after I close the window.
> Strange...
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Also, the only difference between the two maxout.gnuplot files (with
Maxima 5.27 and 5.28) is two lines :
set obj 1 rectangle behind from screen 0.0,0.0 to screen 1.0,1.0
set style rectangle fillcolor rgb '#ffffff' fs solid 1.0 noborder
They are inserted just after
set terminal windows enhanced size 600, 500
set size 1.0, 1.0
set origin 0.0, 0.0
I don't know if it has something to do with the problem above, seems
unlikely though...