Maxima 5.28 in Windows XP and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

El lun, 27-08-2012 a las 09:31 +0100, fbp at escribi?:
> Hi,
> the share_testsuite gives this errors:

> Error found in
> C:/PROGRA~2/MAXIMA~1.0/share/maxima/5.28.0/share/stats/rtest_stats.mac, problem:
> (10)

The correct result is that returned by Maxima in its present state.
There was an error in rtest_stats.mac, which is now fixed in the
repository. After a bug fix in stats.mac, I forgot to update the test
file. So, do not worry about that.

> From Portugal,  greetings.

Portugal? Good fish, good wine, and friendly people.
