turning 'lists' into matrices...

Relative newbie. Trying to extract eigenvectors from square, 
non-negative matrices, and toss them into a matrix (which I can then 
invert - part of some diagonilization stuff I'm trying to demonstrate in 
class). Following is a minimal example of what I'm trying to do:

a : matrix([1,2,0],[0,3,0],[2,-4,2]);

[vals,vecs] : eigenvectors(a);


test : funmake('matrix,vecs);

The last line is my current 'best effort' to pull the eigenvectors out 
of a mutliple-nested list returned by eigenvectors. However, what is 
returned (i.e., test) is a matrix of lists. Ultimately, I want to end up 
with a simple matrix of the eigenvectors.

This is what is being returned --> matrix([[1,0,-2]],[[0,0,1]],[[1,1,-2]])

This is what I'm hoping to extract (somehow) 

Pointers to the obvious most appreciated. Thanks in advance...