Stable Maxima version on Gentoo

On Sat, 29 Sep 2012, Andrey G. Grozin wrote:

> That's exactly the problem. clisp is the slowest lisp supporting maxima. sbcl 
> or cmucl or gcl would be much better, but they are in unstable (gcl even 
> masked).

What are the minimum version numbers of CMUCL and SBCL for, say, Maxima 
5.28.0?  CMUCL 19c is marked stable for x86, and SBCL 1.0.55-r1 is marked 
stable for x86, ppc and amd64.

The stand-alone GCL package is masked, but Axiom isn't masked (although 
its only version is in unstable).  Axiom carries its own copy of GCL with 
it - does it leave a GCL executable anywhere on the system once it's 
installed, I wonder?


