problem with numericalio: it writes 4 byte "unknowns"instead of 8 byte IEEE DP
Subject: problem with numericalio: it writes 4 byte "unknowns"instead of 8 byte IEEE DP
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 20:14:37 +0000 (UTC)
On 2012-09-29, drgst web de <drgst at> wrote:
> I do not know whether two different versions of MX can be conveniently
> installed side by side on any WIN???
One can install different versions of Maxima on Windows -- the installer
creates different Program Files/Maxima-<whatever> folders. Only the last
one installed is launched by the start menu or desktop icons, but the
others are still there -- you can launch one of them by going into its
>> Please also file a bug report at sourceforge. Thanks!
> now knowing that it is a bug I will try that tomorrow...
No need for that now -- the bug is already fixed.
Robert Dodier