

please always cc to Maxima at math.utexas.edu . So more than just one person
can help.

At this point I now assume there is nothing wrong with the configuration of
maxima. I see two possibilities:
- maxima.exe has been corrupted during download or installation.
- There is still a mechanism in your Windows which prevents maxima from

I ask you to completely deinstall maxima, download one more time, install
again and to be aware if in any stage of installation or first usage
Windows shows any reactions.

You can additionally install Maxima 5.27 to see if this behaves
differently. On Windows it is possible to have more than one version
installed in parallel. There are different folder/path names.

In case this all doesn't help please write again to this list but with
another subject. wxMaxima has it's own mailing list (additionally you can
post to this list too). In this list you'll get more attention with
something like "Maxima not working under Windows 7".

Lots of my students successfully installed maxima on W7 64 Bit, so it
should work on your computer too.

Thank you for not giving up.
Good luck
Volker van Nek

2012/10/8 Giuseppe Ferrero <g_ferrero at msn.com>

>  The program is in the C:\Program Files (x86)  folder, and maxima.exe has
> the address:
> "C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Maxima-5.28.0-2\lib\maxima\5.28.0-2\binary-gcl\maxima.exe".
> I tried with the command:
> "C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Maxima-5.28.0-2\lib\maxima\5.28.0-2\binary-gcl\maxima.exe" -eval
> "(cl-user::run)" -f --
> (all " included), but nothing happened.
> Bye. Giuseppe.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 12:17:01 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] vxMaxima
> From: volkervannek at gmail.com
> To: g_ferrero at msn.com
> CC: Maxima at math.utexas.edu
> To me it seems that the environment variables which are set by maxima.bat
> aren't set accordingly. It seems that maxima.exe isn't found.
> To verify this (and to exclude other possibilities) please find out the
> path to maxima.exe on your system. It might be something like
> "C:\Program
> Files\Maxima-5.28.0-2\lib\maxima\5.28.0-2\binary-gcl\maxima.exe"
> In a 64-Bit-Windows I guess there is a "(x86)" included somewhere.
> Then paste into the command line the following command (path accordingly
> set) and let us know what happens.
> "C:\Program
> Files\Maxima-5.28.0-2\lib\maxima\5.28.0-2\binary-gcl\maxima.exe" -eval
> "(cl-user::run)" -f --
> Volker van Nek
> 2012/10/7 Giuseppe Ferrero <g_ferrero at msn.com>
>  Thank you for your answer.
> 1) When I click on the Command line Maxima  in the start menu, the console
> appears and at once disappears.
> 2) When I click on XMaxima, XMaxima browser and console appear, but
> nothing happens neither if I write an instruction on the console and enter,
> nor if I click on an instruction found on the browser.
>     Moreover, every 30 sec about, a message appears:"Starting Maxima timed
> out. Wait longer?"
> That's all. Thank you. Bye.
> Giuseppe.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2012 15:39:31 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] vxMaxima
> From: volkervannek at gmail.com
> To: g_ferrero at msn.com
> CC: Maxima at math.utexas.edu
> I can reproduce your error messages by corrupting the path to maxima via a
> property dialog in wxMaxima.
> In your start menu folders there should be a link to start Maxima using
> the command line and also a link to start Xmaxima, which is another GUI.
> As a first step please check if these two alternatives do work and let us
> know what you experience.
> Volker van Nek
> 2012/10/6 Giuseppe Ferrero <g_ferrero at msn.com>
>  I'm trying to install vxMaxima on Window 7 64 bits.
> The operation seems to be succesful, but when I try to do some
> calculations, a message is shown: "Error. Not connected to Maxima!".
> When I open vxMaxima, before every operation, there is a message in the
> right bottom corner: " Maxima process terminated".
> The following operations are useless:
> - settle the firewall and the antivirus in order to consider the program
> sure
> - settle Window DEP so that the full program path of the Maxima be
> executable.
> Can you show me the way to fix the problem?
> Thank you very much.
> Giuseppe Ferrero - Italy
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> Maxima mailing list
> Maxima at math.utexas.edu
> http://www.math.utexas.edu/mailman/listinfo/maxima