heap exhausted with matrix usage

On 10/23/2012 06:16 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> "andre" == andre maute <andre.maute at gmx.de> writes:
>      andre> Yes, maxima -l ccl works for me, but
>      andre> $ maxima --list-avail
>      andre> Available versions:
>      andre> version 5.27.0, lisp openmcl
>      andre> version 5.27.0, lisp sbcl
> Is really important to say ccl instead of openmcl here?

No, but nice.

I had first installed ccl, then maxima.
After I entered

maxima --list-avail,

I thought why do I have to use now

maxima -l openmcl


I configured maxima with "--with-ccl=ccl64",
so ccl64 would have been even more natural.