On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 11:55 PM, Daniel Dalton
<daniel.dalton47 at gmail.com>wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 04:05:08PM +0000, Dan wrote:
> Hi DAn,
> > On Sun, 28 Oct 2012, Daniel Dalton wrote:
> ...
> Using radcan(%), instead of ratsimp(%), will give sqrt(2) sqrt(3) v.
> It works, thank you. Any reason why sqrt(2)*sqrt(3) isn't simplified?
radcan considers sqrt(2)*sqrt(3) simpler than sqrt(6). Its goal is to get
things into a standard form ("*rad*ical *can*onical") to ensure that all
relevant simplifications are performed. Additional standardization is
performed when algebraic=true.
ratsimp considers them "equally" simple, and doesn't transform one into the
map( radcan, [sqrt(2)*sqrt(3),sqrt(6)] ) => [sqrt(2)*sqrt(3),
map( radsimp, [sqrt(2)*sqrt(3),sqrt(6)] ) => [sqrt(2)*sqrt(3),sqrt(6)]
There is no universal definition for "simple".
> Also, can I use radcan () as a replacement for ratsimp or is it still
> best to use ratsimp when you aren't dealing with exponents and logs?
> ...
radcan is very similar (perhaps identical?) to ratsimp when there are no
non-integer exponents or logs. It is more expensive computationally, but
this doesn't matter for modest-sized expressions. Both of them may
surprise you at times by returning things that don't look "simple", e.g.
ratsimp(1+exp(-x)) =>%e^-x * (%e^x + 1). Why? Because both treat this as
a rational function with kernel exp(x)==%e^x.
> Again should the to_poly_solve function be used instead of solve? Or is
> it only useful in some cases?
%solve in the to_poly_solve package handles many cases that regular solve
does not. It also produces more complete solutions for multiple-valued
functions. That may be confusing in simple applications: that is, some
users may prefer the principal-value solution solve(sin(x)=0,x) => [x=0];
others may prefer the complete solution
One problem with the results of %solve is that Maxima doesn't yet have a
full set of functions for manipulating and simplifying %union. In this
case, for example, it would have been nicer to return [x=%pi*%z34].