Daniel Dalton <daniel.dalton47 at gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Here is a solution using the solve command. Basically, what we need to
>> do is create a function that describe a domain for us, then use this to
>> winnow out the miscreant solutions.
> <snip>
> This is exactly what I was after, thank you!
Hi Daniel, I'm glad I could help.
> I notice it does not really work with the trig equations
> though. Probably because solve () only gives one real solution and
> %solve gives a solution in the form of union.
> Is it best for now just to sub values into those general solutions from
> %solve () by hand?
This is difficult for me to say, partly because I don't use %solve,
partly because I think that the output of %solve is a little difficult
to manipulate. However, to my mind, it should be possible to handle most
cases programmatically.
If you could give the list an example where the solution involves arbitary
parameters, maybe someone could pipe in.
Leo Butler <l_butler at users.sourceforge.net>
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org