On 2012-10-30, Bernard LUCE <bluce at> wrote:

> Calculating this limit below, I get an error message whereas the value of the limit is %e
> How can I enhance my command to obtain the fair result ?
> limit ((cosh(sqrt(x+1))-cosh(sqrt(x)))^(1/sqrt(x)),? x,inf );
> CLIENT: Lost socket connection ...

When I try it in command-line Maxima, I get a Lisp error:

  limit ((cosh(sqrt(x+1))-cosh(sqrt(x)))^(1/sqrt(x)),x,inf );
   => Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
      overflow during multiplication of large numbers

The immediate cause is that Maxima wants to calculate (POWER '4 '-7431782400)
but I didn't investigate what chain of events led to that.

Sorry I can't be more helpful,

Robert Dodier