On 11/02/2012 03:48 AM, Fereshteh Zeynivand wrote:
> Have you computed the Laplace transformation of Heaviside functions as
> well as step functions.
> Please share me your experiences about Laplace{H(t-2)} and
> ilt{exp(-2*s)/s} through Maxima.
you can look at my example in:
I'm sorry that the document is in Portuguese, but I think that if you
just look at the Maxima commands
you might understand what I'm doing.
When we get the output v in %o5, we want to use ilt to get the inverse
transform, but the current limitations of ilt() can be overcome by
separating the 3 terms in the expression (v1, v2 and v3), excluding the
exponentials. We calculate the 3 inverse transforms and then use the
time-displacement property of the Laplace transform, to arrive to the
answer in %o12.
I hope that helps you. Regards,