On Thu, Nov 01, 2012 at 12:17:23PM +0000, Leo wrote:
> Daniel Dalton <daniel.dalton47 at gmail.com> writes:
> specify, that is correct. I ran it with imin=-100 and imax=100 and it
> was a bit slow, but I use a 4 year old netbook, so I'm pretty sure that
> on a bit more powerful hardware it should be fine to set those bounds to
> +/-1000.
Hi Leo,
Good. Core I5 here and it's about half a second delay which is fine.
> Dan, I know you are busy preparing for exams. When you have some free
> time, I wonder if you would add something to the Maxima wiki page about
> how you use Maxima. I am sure that there are mathematics
> teachers/lecturers who would benefit from this knowledge.
Sure. What do you suggest it covers, just how I've used maxima being
vision impaired through my high school career?
I suppose it'll probably be a bit repetitive (since all the info is in
the manual), but I suppose it could be useful for people who would like
something which has all the functions they would likely need in one spot
condenced into a page or two.
Hopefully I'm understanding correctly.
I'll definitely do something though in a couple of weeks once my exams
have concluded.
Thanks again.