Am 03.11.2012 um 20:35 schrieb Alexander Hansen <alexanderk.hansen at>:
> On 11/3/12 11:02 AM, Jan Hendrik Mueller wrote:
>> I downloaded draw.lisp and grcommon.list from scm repositories ( - I assume thats the right source. Problem: on (my) mac maxima and wxmaxima don't appear in folders as on my window system - you only see icons of them after installing (thats also new for me, I am just learning using a mac). So where should I copy the lisp files? I assume this can't be done after downloading maxima.
>> I avoided loading/also starting aquaterm by editing "set term x11" in gnuplot. So I only have to start x11 before plotting with draw (there are few more forums discussing this problem, e.g.: ).
>> It works so far quit nice?por eso ahora me voy a cenar
>> saludos y gracias
>> Jan
>> From your initial post:
> (%o1)
> /Applications/
> The Mac Finder hides access to anything inside an app bundle (which is
> really a folder), but you can control-click on the Maxicon and select
> "Show Package Contents" to get access to the files and folders within
> the app.
> --
> Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
> Fink User Liaison
> My package updates:
thanks, that works fine!
but now the exchanged .lisp files cause compilation error messages!