>>>>> "Jaime" == Jaime Villate <villate at fe.up.pt> writes:

    Jaime> On 11/05/2012 05:31 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
    Rupert> Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> writes:
    >> >> This shouldn't be a problem with the current plot2d.  It uses an
    >> >> adaptive plotting algorithm to use more points where the curve is
    >> >> changing too fast.  If, by chance, plot2d tries to evaluate f(1),
    >> >> maxima catches that error and pretends (I think) that there is a
    >> >> discontinuity at that point and tries to add more points in the
    >> >> neighborhood to get a better plot.
    >> >>
    >> >> Of course, if the discontinuity is very narrow and the number of
    >> >> initial sample points is too sparse, plot2d will never see it and hence
    >> >> never plot it.  No surprise there.
    >> >>
    >> >> The adaptive plotter isn't used for any other kind of plot such as
    >> >> parametric plots, unfortunately.
    Rupert> Well, at least on my machine,
    Rupert> f(x) := signum(x) * abs(x)^(-1/n)$
    Rupert> plot2d(f(x), [x, -1, 1.1]), n=10;
    Rupert> displayed the expected behaviour. Maybe I've misunderstood what's going
    Rupert> on.
    >> Ok, I'm not sure what you expect the behavior to be.  With our
    >> example, I see a curve drawn on the y-axis from about y=-2.25 to
    >> y=2.25.  If I change the plot limits to [x, -1,1], I see the same
    >> curve, except there is no line drawn on the y-axis.
    >> Which of these is your expected behavior?  Or were you expecting
    >> something else?
    Jaime> In my opinion, the result when the error is caught  (domain [x, -1,
    Jaime> 1]) is better than the result when it is not detected (domain [x, -1,
    Jaime> 1.1]). It would be nice if overflows in the slope were also caught, so
    Jaime> the plot:

    Jaime>  plot2d (0.7*signum(x), [x,-1,1]);

    Jaime> would also show a discontinuity in x=0, rather than the current
    Jaime> behavior where a vertical line is shown at x=0.

Yes, these would all be nice to have.  I think the problem is what can
you actually do numerically?  How do I tell (numerically) there's a
discontinuity?  What is an overflow in slope?

The adaptive plotter doesn't subdivide regions for ever; it eventually
just gives up and returns its best guess.

Perhaps Richard's honest plotting using interval arithmetic is the
answer or at least part of the answer?
