newbie questions about maxima internals

Thank you, it will help me much to start understanding what's going on 
under the hood :-)

Le 08/11/2012 23:26, Stavros Macrakis a ?crit :
> Replies in-line.
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Jean-Claude Arbaut 
> <jeanclaudearbaut at <mailto:jeanclaudearbaut at>> wrote:
>     ...Then, I can use meval on maxima expressions written as list,
>     and with
>     a: ...;
>     :lisp $a
>     I can see how expression are coded.
> Yes, you can also call ?print(a) from within Maxima code.
>     Now the question:
>     expression are often of the form((op simp) arg ...)
> More generally, they are of the form
>        ((op <flag>...) <arg> ... )
>     However, I can run meval simply on '(op arg ...), and hte result
>     seems to be the same.
>     So what's the difference ?
> meval accepts the form (op arg...) and converts it to ((op) arg...). 
>  This was probably some sort of convenience or backwards-compatibility 
> hack at the dawn of time. Other parts of Maxima do not allow this form 
> and you should never use it.
>     Also, with for example (meval '($factor (mplus 1 $x (mtimes $x $x)
>     (mtimes $x $x $x))))
>     I get forms with (op simp factored), (op simp irreducible) and (op
>     simp ratsimp).
>     How does maxima work with symbols added to the operator ?
> Flags can be added to the car.  The only ones that are widely 
> recognized and used by Maxima are simp (marks the expression as 
> simplified) and array (indicates that this is a subscripting 
> expression, not a function call), e.g. ((a) 1) == a(1) and ((a array) 
> 1) == a[1]
>     Also, when trying
>     a:'expand((x+y)^2);
>     :lisp $a
>     I get (%expand simp) instead of ($expand simp). What's the
>     difference ?
> This is the so-called noun/verb scheme.  A function call f(x) is 
> normally (($f) $x), while 'f(x) is ((%f) x).  This becomes especially 
> important for things like diff, integrate, and limit, which are names 
> both for a declarative concept ("the derivative of sin(x) with respect 
> to x") and an imperative concept ("take the derivative of sin(x) with 
> respect to x").
>     Finally, is there some documentation about maxima internals ?
> Not much.  But this has some pointers:
>          -s