my variables are modulo p residues

Look in the help:

? modulus

Le 11/11/2012 10:52, Nokan Emiro a ?crit :
> Hi,
> I'm sorry for the lame question...
> I need to solve a large equation system where the variables are not
> real or complex numbers, but they are members of a residue class
> (modulo p ; p is a prime).  [for instance if p=3, and my only equation
> is x^2+2=0, then the solutions are x=1 and x=2. Becaues x*x+2=0 -->
> x*x=1, and in this field 0*0=0, 1*1=1, 2*2=1, so 1 and 2 are the good
> solutions.]
> I'm beginner in Maxima, but I would like to know if I can solve such kind
> of equation systems with it.  According to the documentation 'domain'
> option can only be "real" or "complex", and it only affects 
> simplifications,
> so I guess it's not what I need.
> Could you please help me where should I search for the solution
> to my problem?
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