Subject: Exporting examples for use in other applications
From: Jaime Villate
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 23:34:34 +0000
On 11/12/2012 09:57 PM, Dan wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Nov 2012, Leo Butler wrote:
>> Hello Christian, Maxima has the tex command, which will produce a tex
>> string representing the maxima object. This can be heavily customized
>> via the texput command.
> Are there any published "standard" sets of texput commands? I'd be
> particularly interested in one that typesets its output using the
> LaTeX macros.
I don't know. But if you are interested in getting LaTeX rather than
plain TeX output, I think a better thing to do would be to create a
latex command using src/mactex.lisp copying with some modifications. For
example, in mactex.lisp you will find this function:
(defun tex-mquotient (x l r)
(if (or (null (cddr x)) (cdddr x)) (wna-err (caar x)))
(setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("{{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen)
;the divide bar groups things
r (tex (caddr x) (list "}\\over{") (append '("}}")r) 'mparen
(append l r))
We can replace it like this:
(%i5) to_lisp();
Type (to-maxima) to restart, ($quit) to quit Maxima.
MAXIMA> (defun tex-mquotient (x l r)
(if (or (null (cddr x)) (cdddr x)) (wna-err (caar x)))
(setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\frac{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen)
r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen))
(append l r))
MAXIMA> (to-maxima)
Returning to Maxima
(%i6) tex(('diff(f,x)-a)/b);
It would be really nice to have a latex() function and even amslatex().