Subject: Exporting examples for use in other applications
From: Jaime Villate
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:44:52 +0000
On 11/13/2012 02:41 AM, Leo Butler wrote:
> Jaime, This is more a daydream than anything: I have been wanting for
> some time now to have a cleaner way of doing mixing Maxima and TeX. In
> your case, your Maxima code drives the LaTeX; in my case, I embed all my
> Maxima code in LaTeX files. In both ways, there is no 2-way
> communication between the CAS and typesetter and there is generally a
> kludgy step where language X code is prepared by language Y. I feel that
> it would be nice to have TeX, or a substitute, inside a Lisp language
> with a shared state. Perhaps luatex will open up enough of TeX to make
> it feasible to do this; though it would have been nice if those guys had
> used a Lisp language to extend TeX rather than using Lua.
Hi Leo,
I like LaTeX and I still use it intensively, but when it comes to doing
calculations I prefer the convenience of an interactive tool such as
Maxima, Lisp or Python. For excellent print-quality documents I haven't
found anything better than Latex. For a quick presentation an xhtml page
with Mathjax will do and I feel that I control better the result,
whereas PDF produced by Latex is a black box to me and I can only hope
that the user's PDF reader will manage to open it quickly and correctly.
Something similar to Mathjax written in Lisp would be very nice.