domain expired

On 2012-11-09, Jaime Villate <villate at> wrote:

> OK, it is done and you can see the new FAQ, Ports and Wiki pages in the 
> site. There was another page ("Lisp Links") in the wiki that has already 
> disappeared from Google's cache so I could not recover the latest version.
> I still have to do similar changes to the Spanish an Russian pages later 
> today.

Terrific, thanks a lot for handling that.

> For this changes I did not need any special privileges. If you want me 
> to create a new wiki, you would first have to upgrade the project to 
> Sourceforge's new software, as I explained in another thread, and then I 
> would need to have administrator permissions.

OK, I have upgraded the project and put you on the list of project
admins. Let me know how it goes.


Robert Dodier