Sourceforge Maxima project upgrade

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

    Robert> On 2012-11-18, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:
    >> Does that mean no commits until further notice?  Don't we also usually
    >> have a December release?  I guess that's postponed for a bit too,
    >> then.

    Robert> It's finished already. You will have to clone the Git repo again (the
    Robert> URL changed), and, I guess, copy over any unpushed changes.

That was quick.  I have to say, I find the new bug tracker page a bit
messy with all of the buttons at the top for things like Htdocs, Izic,

I didn't have any unpusehd changes, but I think for those who did, you
can probably do a git pull <old-maxima-dir> to merge in any of those
changes in to new cloned repo.
