how can I speed up bromberg?

>>>>> "Jaime" == Jaime Villate <villate at> writes:

    Jaime> On 11/21/2012 11:58 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
    Stavros> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Edwin Woollett <woollett at> wrote:
    Stavros> True, Maxima stupidly fails on integrate(1/(1+sqrt(x)),x,0,1),
    Stavros> but integrate(ratsimp(1/(1+sqrt(x))),x,0,1), algebraic:true does work....
    >> Yes, as mentioned in a different thread, the cause is a failure in
    >> poles-in-interval to determine that there are no poles in the
    >> interval.  Setting intanalysis:false allows maxima to correctly return
    >> 2-2*log(2);
    Jaime> It would be nice that before returning a noun form integrate() tried
    Jaime> setting intanalysis:false or algebraic:true.

I don't think that should be done in general, but it might make sense
to do that when poles-in-interval returns unknown, which is what
happens in this case.  However, if there actually were a pole in the
interval, then result is very likely to be wrong because maxima will
just substitute in the limits of integration into the integrand,
ignoring any singularities.  That would probably be worse than
returning a noun form.
