Why do you prefer to work with Maxima?

The topic of differential equations is only one among a lot of
interesting mathematical topics. So I would like to answer a little
bit more in general.

I work with Maxima because it is powerful and released under the GNU
GPL. Other software like Matlab or Maple which does not fulfill these
two conditions is from my point of view completely useless. In the
field of Mathematics I am only interested in a program which allows me
to study the source code and to learn how mathematical algorithms are
implemented in a programming language. The GPL allows users to change
the source code, fix bugs, implement new features and use the program
as they wish (under the terms of the GPL). And last not least the
Maxima project itself is open for contributions.

Volker van Nek

2012/11/26 Fereshteh Zeynivand <fzeynivand at gmail.com>:
> Dear Maxima users,
> May I have some reasons about choosing Maixma to work with in differential
> equation? I mean why do you choose Maxima to work with, for example why not
> Matlab or Maple?
> It would be highly appreciated if you send me some comparison among them
> from your point of view as Maxima users to put in my thesis about Maxima.
> Thank you to all Maxima user.
> F
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