In a galaxy far, far away, and a time long, long ago, it was possible to conjure up the source code to any Lisp function by pressing
meta-. (meta-point).
Is this possible in any version of Maxima today?
At 12:03 PM 11/27/2012, Andreas Eder wrote:
>>>>>> "Volker" == Volker van Nek <volkervannek at> writes:
> Volker> I work with Maxima because it is powerful and released under the GNU
> Volker> GPL. Other software like Matlab or Maple which does not fulfill these
> Volker> two conditions is from my point of view completely useless. In the
> Volker> field of Mathematics I am only interested in a program which allows me
> Volker> to study the source code and to learn how mathematical algorithms are
> Volker> implemented in a programming language. The GPL allows users to change
> Volker> the source code, fix bugs, implement new features and use the program
> Volker> as they wish (under the terms of the GPL). And last not least the
> Volker> Maxima project itself is open for contributions.
>I couldn't agree more. If you cannot look at the source code,
>mathematical software is *useless*. How can you ever trust that?
>ceterum censeo redmondinem esse delendam.