[PATCH] A Few (Small) Documentation Fixes

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com> writes:

    Robert> On 2012-11-28, Kris Katterjohn <katterjohn at gmail.com> wrote:
    >> It just looks rather funny to me having verbatim copies so close to one
    >> another when the examples just illustrate precisely what the text is referring
    >> to.  I was simply thinking of descriptions which interlace text and examples
    >> (e.g., to_poly).  Thinking about it again now, perhaps my patch should have
    >> (essentially) just removed the text "Examples:" as well.

    Robert> Well, for the record, I think mixing exposition into examples is a
    Robert> weak style. Better to lay out the facts first, then illustrate it with
    Robert> examples as needed. People read computer documentation as little as
    Robert> possible, so it should be organized to convey information efficiently.
    Robert> Comprehending examples and inferring new facts from them, or filtering
    Robert> out facts which have been mentioned elsewhere, is a needless
    Robert> distraction. Why put that burden on the reader? If there are some
    Robert> relevant facts, just state them plainly.

    Robert> In the case under consideration (%phi), there is very little to say. I
    Robert> suppose it can be argued that the documentation is so minimal that it
    Robert> doesn't matter too much how it is written; that seems a weak argument for
    Robert> abandoning good organization in this case, and weaker still, in general.

I read the documentation for %phi for the first time today.  I find it
odd to see examples of fibtophi.  I think I'd like just a note that
fibtophi exists, and let the user look up fibtophi (a hyperlink?),
which pretty much duplicates the examples and documentation here.  The
represents a burden on updating documentation if it has to be updated
in two places.  fibtophi should probably also include a hyperlink to

The duplicated paragraph is odd.  It would read much better
if it were shortened.

My 2 cents.
