Subject: [PATCH] A Few (Small) Documentation Fixes
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 09:43:56 -0800
>>>>> "Stavros" == Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> writes:
Stavros> Cross-references good.
Stavros> Duplication bad, whether across (fibtophi) or within (%ph/tellrat) entries.
Stavros> That said, we have a much bigger problem with
Stavros> insufficient documentation and cross-references than we
Stavros> have with too much duplication:
Stavros> ? ? ? algebraic doesn't mention that it only affects CRE
Stavros> ? ? ? ratsimp doesn't cross-reference fullratsimp
Stavros> ? ? ? csc doesn't mention trigsimp (which reduces it to sin)
We should fix all of these. :-)