Suppressing error message "-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true); "

On 2012-12-01, Stefano Ferri <ferriste at> wrote:

> which only prints a new line. It works perfectly but maybe it is a ugly
> solution... How can I avoid to rewrite all the function and redefine only
> the "format t (....." line?
> Even if ugly, could it be a correct solution?

Yes, it's correct. No,there isn't (given the function definitions as
they are) to omit only the one line.

>>  * define your own function which uses Maxima's throw/catch mechanism.
>>    E.g.: myerror (msg) := (print (msg), throw ('oops));
>>    throw/catch is a nonlocal flow of control mechanism, maybe that's
>>    what you want.
> I'll look at this way too, but I would lose the information contained in
> errormsg(), which sometimes is useful.

Well, you can throw any expression. So it might be something like
oops("some message", parameter1=1234, parameter2=2345) where the
parameters give some context about the error.


Robert Dodier