#2506 factor(135*2^1204-1) infinity loop

>>>>> "Volker" == Volker van Nek <volkervannek at gmail.com> writes:

    Volker> About (float n) in get-one-factor-pollard:

    Volker> (float n) for numbers greater or equal to 2^1024 is definitely not a
    Volker> good thing - regardless of whether we want to factor such a number or
    Volker> not. If you don't expect that (log n) will work it will be possible to
    Volker> use numbers as 'terms' which have about the same size as (log n).
    Volker> Maybe something like (integer-length n) or (ash (integer-length n)
    Volker> -1). Maybe (isqrt (integer-length n)) is better. Let's see if I find
    Volker> some time in the next weeks to check this out.

I think any of the integer-length variants will work.  Or maybe even
(floor (* (log 2) (integer-length n))), which is a rough approximation
to the original (ceiling (log (float n))).
