eigenvectors in maxima

OK, but how do I get Maxima to give me

V(1)=(0.928477,0.371391), and v(2)=(-0.707107,0.707107).

On Dec 4, 2012 4:48 PM, "Evan Cooch" <evan.cooch at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Trying to figure out what, exactly, maxima is returning when I use
> eigenvectors. Take the following simple example:
> a : matrix([0.8,0.5],[0.2,0.5]);
> [vals,vecs] : float(eigenvectors(a));
> Second command yields
> [[[0.3,1.0],[1.0,1.0]],[[[1.0,-1.0]],[[1.0,0.4]]]]
> The eigenvalues are 1, 0.3 (confirmed by other software - e.g., Maple,
> MATLAB...)
> But, the eigenvectors are given as 1,1,-1,4. In matrix form
> e : transpose(apply('matrix,map('first,vecs)));
> which yields
> matrix([1.0,1.0],[-1.0,0.4])
> Fine, except I can figure out how/why these are so different from what
> other software generates - for the 3 applications I've tried (Maple,
> MATLAB, Mathematica); I get
> V(1)=(0.928477,0.371391), and v(2)=(-0.707107,0.707107).
> Can somebody provide a quick explanation for what Maxima is reporting for
> eigenvectors, which seems to be very* different from what other CAS
> gives? I suspect I'm missing something obvious. (Must be!).
> Thanks very much in advance.