approx-alike bug

>my suggestion for comparing mrats in the testing is to call
>$ratdisrep on the mrat, and then proceed however you would, otherwise.


OK, I've modified approx-alike to do this, I think.  The testsuite gives about 120 failures--I think all of them are due
to comparing taylor polynomials. The use of ratdisrep allows a test such as


to pass.  One issue: In rtest9, there is a test


  *x^2 +(-1/256+(z-2)/256+(1/256-5*(z-2)/1024)*(y-1)+(-5/2048+15*(z-2)/4096)*(y-1)^2) *x^3$

I guess one way to allow these tests to pass would be

taylor(1+x+y+z,[x,0,3],[y,1,2],[z,2,1]);   /* silly test */


Is there is a better way?


(defun approx-alike (f g)
  (cond ((floatp f) (and (floatp g) ($float_approx_equal f g)))
	(($bfloatp f) (and ($bfloatp g) ($bfloat_approx_equal f g)))
	((atom f) (and (atom g) (equal f g)))

	;; allow a test such as sign(z); 'pnz$ to pass
	((eq 'mquote (mop f)) 
	 (approx-alike (second f) g))

	((atom g) (and (atom f) (equal f g)))
	(($taylorp g)
	 (and ($taylorp f) (approx-alike (ratdisrep f) (ratdisrep g))))
	(($ratp g)
	 (and ($ratp f) (approx-alike (ratdisrep f) (ratdisrep g))))
	((eq 'lambda (mop f))
	 (and (eq 'lambda (mop g))
	      (approx-alike-list (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (simplifya s nil)) (margs f))
				 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (simplifya s nil)) (margs g)))))
	((arrayp f)
	 (and (arrayp g) (approx-alike ($listarray f) ($listarray g))))
	((hash-table-p f)
	 (and (hash-table-p g) (approx-alike ($listarray f) ($listarray g))))

	((and (eq (not (memq 'array (car f))) (not (memq 'array (car g))))
	      (or (approx-alike (mop f) (mop g)) 
		  (and (symbolp (mop f)) (symbolp (mop g)) (approx-alike ($nounify (mop f)) ($nounify (mop g))))))
	 (approx-alike-list (margs f) (margs g)))
	(t nil)))