This is a repost. My first attempt exceeded the size limit.
Thanks for replying!
However I don?t understand why mathematica 8 student version would differ from the online mathematica trial version? Because according to below results from both mathematica 8 and maple 12, the results are the same with python mpmath, that is after the 186th digit after the digits ?5016?? the result shows ?77360673?.?, instead of ?7973360555?.?, as in the trial version result in my attached file!
I guess the result from the trial version is a tentative result and not the real thing!
I would not mind a fourth confirmation from anyone else using a bought mathematica package!
This is what I think may be going on. I have attached a harmless jpg file of the error which shows the cause of the problem. MaxRecursion in the online Mathematica is set too low. Perhaps they should fix that, but if they did the time to produce an answer would increase significantly. I don?t have access to your attachments so I cannot compare, but maybe you can send them to me directly.
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