how about we use same method for invert(A) as for A^^-1 ?
Subject: how about we use same method for invert(A) as for A^^-1 ?
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 19:11:44 +0000 (UTC)
At this point I'd like to propose that invert be renamed to
invert_by_adjoint and the hitherto-undocumented invertmx (which is
called by A^^-1 to do the work) be renamed to invert.
On 2012-12-10, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:
> Algorithmically, I don't feel the love for the adjoint method for
> matrix inversion. Is there a difference between invert and ^^-1 when
> modulus # false?
The only different between invert(A) and A^^-1 that I can see is that
invert(A) doesn't convert elements to CRE while A^^-1 does.
E.g. if A has bigfloat elements, A^^-1 converts them to rationals while
invert(A) leaves them be.
invert(A) also honors some flags (e.g. detout) which, I suppose, some
user might possibly want.
> This works the way I expect:
> (%i6) m . invert_by_lu(m, noncommutingring);
> (%o6) matrix([matrix([1,0],[0,1]),matrix([0,0],[0,0])],[matrix([0,0],[0,0]),matrix([1,0],[0,1])])
That's good, although invert_by_lu isn't entirely successful with
nonscalar elements. E.g.:
declare ([a, b, c, d], nonscalar);
matrix_element_mult : ".";
matrix_element_transpose : 'transpose;
A : matrix ([a, b], [c, d]);
A1 : invert_by_lu (A, noncommutingring);
=> matrix([a^^(-1) . (b . (d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1) . c . a^^(-1)+1),
-a^^(-1) . b . (d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1)],
[-(d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1) . c . a^^(-1),
(d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1)])
expand (A . A1);
=> matrix([1,0],
[-d . (d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1) . c . a^^(-1)
+c . a^^(-1) . b . (d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1) . c . a^^(-1)
+c . a^^(-1),
d . (d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1)
-c . a^^(-1) . b . (d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1)])
expand (A1 . A);
=> matrix([1,
-a^^(-1) . b . (d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1) . d
+a^^(-1) . b . (d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1) . c . a^^(-1) . b
+a^^(-1) . b],
(d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1) . d
-(d-c . a^^(-1) . b)^^(-1) . c . a^^(-1) . b])
When the elements are in a noncommutative ring, is the matrix inverse
well-defined? Maybe there is only a left or right inverse? I don't know.
Maybe A . A1 and A1 . A could be reduced to 1's and 0's by enabling some
flags? Dunno.
Robert Dodier