ev() do not work

On 12/14/2012 08:14 AM, Dmitry Shkirmanov wrote:
> Maxima 5.29.1 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
> using Lisp SBCL
> Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
> Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
> The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
> (%i1) g(mu,nu):= if (mu=0 and nu =0) then  1
>        elseif (mu=1 and nu =1) then -1
>        elseif (mu=2 and nu =2) then -1
>        elseif (mu=3 and nu =3) then -1
>        elseif (   mu#nu   and ((mu=1 or mu=2 or mu=3 or mu=0)and(nu=1 
> or nu=2 or nu=3 or nu=0))   ) then 0
>        else 'g(mu,nu)$
> (%i2) expr: g(i,j);
> (%o2)                               g(i, j)
> (%i3) expr: subst([i=1, j=2], expr);
> (%o3)                               g(1, 2)
> (%i4) ev(expr);
> (%o4)                               g(1, 2)
> (%i5) g(1,2);
> (%o5)                                  0
> (%i6)
> So, why  in the (%o4) maxima returns g(1,2) instead of 0?
because you should add the keyword "nouns" to make nouns turn into 
verbs. Try

