Fwd: Re: Package descriptive, working with frequency lists
Subject: Fwd: Re: Package descriptive, working with frequency lists
From: Andreas Goebel
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 17:01:01 +0100
Am 11.12.2012 15:56, schrieb Jaime Villate:
> Here is a suggestion:
> histogram(data):=
> block([xmin:first(data)[1]-1,xmax:last(data)[1]+1,ymax:0,h:[]],
> for p in data do
> (h:cons(['discrete,[p[1]-1/2,p[1]-1/2,p[1]+1/2,p[1]+1/2],[0,p[2],p[2],0]],h),
> if p[2] > ymax then ymax: p[2]),
> plot2d
> (h,['x,xmin,xmax],['y,0,ymax+1],[xlabel,"value"],[ylabel,"count"],
> [legend,false],[color,blue]))$
> histogram([[178,2],[179,4],[180,5],[181,5],[182,3]]);
Thank you!
I have improved that a bit. I think I can assume that the intervals are
equally spaced, but the interval length won?t be 1 usually.
So now it goes like this, what do you think?
for p in data do
if p[2] > ymax then ymax: p[2]),
plot2d (h,['x,xmin,xmax],['y,0,ymax+1],[xlabel,"value"],[ylabel,"count"],
Best regards,