should all floats be nonintegers?

Rich, I never said that 3.0 represented an interval -- I said it
represented *some number* in the interval, and in general, we don't know *what
*number.  It could be the result of the calculation 3 + 1e-100, 3 - 1e-50,
etc.  Just because it represents something other than exact 3 doesn't mean
that we shouldn't calculate with it as though it were exact 3 in general.
 Whether you want to treat 3.0 as integerp probably depends on the

The Scheme notion of exact/inexact seems to capture the right intuitions.


On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 6:04 AM, Mark H Weaver <mhw at> wrote:

> Richard Fateman <fateman at> writes:
> > On 12/17/2012 3:52 PM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> >
> >     I'd say that floats represent imprecise or approximate numbers, so
> >     3.0 might mean exactly 3 or some other number in the interval
> >     3-eps .. 3+eps.
> [...]
> >  I suspect that "professional"
> > numerical analysts would, by and large, say that floats represent
> > exactly some particular number. That is,
> > 3.0 represents exactly the quantity 3.
> I certainly agree that 3.0 should not be considered an interval.  In
> addition to the points raised by Richard, I'll add that the interval
> 3-eps .. 3+eps does not contain the true result of all computations
> that produce 3.0.  In fact, no finite interval can do so.
> At the same time, I agree with Stavros' assertion that floats should be
> considered "imprecise or approximate numbers".  I think it's possible to
> adopt this position while simultaneously agreeing with numerical
> analysts that 3.0 represents a single quantity that is equal to 3.
> Scheme's number system includes some innovations that are helpful to
> resolve tensions such as this.  Notably, Scheme introduced the concept
> of "exactness", and the type predicates such as 'real?', 'rational?' and
> 'integer?' are closer to their mathematical definitions than in CL and
> do not merely reflect the internal representation used.
> In Scheme, 3.0 is an integer (i.e. 'integer?' returns true and it is
> accepted by integer operations such as 'gcd'), but unlike 3 it is not
> an /exact/ integer (i.e. 'exact?' returns false).  Similarly, 3.5 is
> 'rational?' but unlike 7/2 it is not an /exact/ rational.
> Note that here "exact" is being used in a different sense than Richard
> Fateman used above.  Indeed, 3.0 does not represent an interval but
> rather a single number that is equal to 3.
> Quoting section 6.2.2 of the (pleasantly concise) R5RS Scheme standard:
>   Scheme numbers are either exact or inexact.  A number is exact if it
>   was written as an exact constant or was derived from exact numbers
>   using only exact operations.  A number is inexact if it was written as
>   an inexact constant, if it was derived using inexact ingredients, or
>   if it was derived using inexact operations.  Thus inexactness is a
>   contagious property of a number.
>   If two implementations produce exact results for a computation that
>   did not involve inexact intermediate results, the two ultimate results
>   will be mathematically equivalent.  This is generally not true of
>   computations involving inexact numbers since approximate methods such
>   as floating point arithmetic may be used, but it is the duty of each
>   implementation to make the result as close as practical to the
>   mathematically ideal result.
>   Rational operations such as '+' should always produce exact results
>   when given exact arguments.  If the operation is unable to produce an
>   exact result, then it may either report the violation of an
>   implementation restriction or it may silently coerce its result to an
>   inexact value.
> In typical Scheme implementations, exactness is determined by the
> underlying representation used to store the number: for real numbers,
> flonums are inexact, and fixnums, bignums, and ratnums are exact.
> Complex numbers are exact if and only if both components are exact.
> Exactness can be tested using the predicates 'exact?' and 'inexact?'.
> Note that inexact integers such as 3.0 are accepted by integer
> arithmetic operators (e.g. 'gcd' and 'modulo'), but they are _not_
> accepted as indices into data structures (e.g. by 'vector-ref').
> The idea is to allow the construction of robust programs that are
> not vulnerable to round-off errors.
> I wonder if it might be desirable to somehow adapt some of these ideas
> into Maxima.
>     Regards,
>       Mark