draw package and latex symbols

Dmitry Shkirmanov wrote:
> Hello, list. I am trying to plot graph WITH LATEX SYMBOLS by using draw
> package. In order to test whether gnuplot can do this, i wrote simple
> script:
> $ cat test.gnu
> #! /usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
> set terminal epslatex size 10.5,6.62 color standalone colortext
> set output 'introduction.tex'
> set xlabel '$2\pi$'
> set samples 200
> plot [-10:10] sin(x)
> By running this script one can create files "introduction.tex" and
> "introduction-inc.eps".
> Next, by running "latex introduction.tex" command one can create .dvi
> file with needed graph(xlabel here is created by latex).
> Now, i am trying to do the same with maxima:
> Maxima 5.29.1 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
> using Lisp SBCL
> Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
> Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
> The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
> (%i1) load("draw")$
> (%i2) draw2d(explicit(
> sin(x),x,-10,10),
> user_preamble="
> set terminal epslatex size 10.5,6.62 color standalone colortext;
> set output '~/introduction.tex';
> set xlabel '$2\pi$';
> set samples 200;
> "
> );
> (%o2)                          [gr2d(explicit)]
> This creates files "introduction.tex" and "introduction-inc.eps", but
> latex cannot create dvi file. By looking into the "introduction.tex"
> file one can see tnat it contains only part of working code.
> So, the question is: what have i missed?

Here the maxima output is such that latex runs OK and the dvi output looks
very similar to the gnuplot output. However the xlabel is displayed correctly
with gnuplot and as 2 pi via maxima. I have run a diff on the two inputs
introduction.tex and introduction-inc.eps, very little difference, but
some appear. For reference here is my
Maxima 5.25.1 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
using Lisp SBCL
on Mac OS X.

Michel Talon