draw package and latex symbols

> Maybe use '$2\\pi$'?  I don't have TeX here to see the result, but
> when I look at introduction.tex, I see that it has $2\pi$ in it.  Your
> version just has $2pi$.
I  can not try it. The main problem is that latex cannot compile 
introduction.tex created by maxima. By looking into introduction.tex one 
can see that maxima cuts about 5 last lines of original(created by 
gnuplot) introduction.tex. It makes compilation by latex impossible.

> Here the maxima output is such that latex runs OK and the dvi output looks
> very similar to the gnuplot output.
> For reference here is my
> Maxima 5.25.1http://maxima.sourceforge.net
> using Lisp SBCL
> on Mac OS X.
My version is
Maxima 5.29.1 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
using Lisp SBCL

May be  this bug appeared only in new maxima version?