strange quad_qags behavior?

I am assuming quad_qags will return a noun
form when the integrand has an interior 
singularity. The expected behavior occurs
if the upper limit is 1, but not when the 
upper limit is 0.999999999999
Maxima 5.28.0-2
using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (a.k.a. GCL)

(%i1) quad_qags(x/(1/2 -x)^3,x,0,1);
(%o1) quad_qags(x/(1/2-x)^3,x,0,1,epsrel = 1.0E-8,epsabs = 0.0,limit = 200)

(%i2) quad_qags(x/(1/2 -x)^3,x,0,0.999999999999);
(%o2) [-5506.971211820142,0.0,63,0]
Ted Woollett