Bug in Maxima for Apple machines?

   For the first time I am trying to install Maxima on a MacBook Pro running Mac 
OS X 10.7.5.  The download from SourceForge produces a disk image 
'Maxima-5.28.0.dmg', and double clicking it yields a window with six icons, one 
of which is 'How to install'.  Clicking on the latter produces installation 
instructions, the first two sentences of which are: 

(1) Drag 'Maxima.app' into your Applications folder. 
(2) To test it: run Maxima.app from your Applications folder by double-clicking 
on it.

For me the result of (2) is a terminal window which includes:

Georges-MacBook-Pro:~ georgeleeman$ exec '/Volumes/Maxima 
/Volumes/Maxima 1/Maxima.app/Contents/Resources/maxima.sh: line 13: 
/Volumes/Maxima/maxima//bin/maxima: No such file or directory
/Volumes/Maxima 1/Maxima.app/Contents/Resources/maxima.sh: line 13: exec: 
/Volumes/Maxima/maxima//bin/maxima: cannot execute: No such file or directory
[Process completed]

   I believe the problem can be corrected by changing two lines in the 
file '/Volumes/Maxima 1/Maxima.app/Contents/Resources/maxima.sh':

Change line 10 PATH="$MAXIMA_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" 
Change line 13 exec "$MAXIMA_PREFIX/bin/maxima" ... to exec 
"${MAXIMA_PREFIX}bin/maxima" ...

(the ... indicates arguments which should be left unmodified).
--- George Leeman