maxima-5.29.* and imaxima

Volker van Nek <volkervannek <at>> writes:

> I wonder whether it is possible to load imaxima with the option to use
> an older installed version of Maxima, like it is possisible to call a
> desired version of Maxima with e.g.
> maxima -l ecl -u 5.28.0
> in a terminal. Is it? Or is there a imaxima config file which allows the same?

As far as I can tell, the only way to specify the Maxima
executable for imaxima is to change the value of
imaxima-maxima-program in imaxima.el. I don't see a way
to specify that on a command line, in ~/.emacs, or in Emacs itself.
Maybe someone else knows better. 


Robert Dodier