maxima-5.29.* and imaxima

On 2013-01-02, Volker van Nek <volkervannek at> wrote:

> How can I make sure that installing Maxima from sources also updates
> the maxima-emacs installation?
> In addition: My .emacs doesn't say anything about the load path.

(1) Emacs load-path must point into the Maxima installation directory so
that M-x imaxima loads that version of imaxima. My .emacs says:

  (push "/usr/share/maxima/5.29.1/emacs" load-path)

(2) the Maxima program launched by imaxima-maxima-program must be that
same installed Maxima program. The default value is "maxima" (sans path)
so the installed Maxima must be the one which you get if you enter
"maxima" at the shell prompt. Apparently you can change
imaxima-maxima-program in Emacs; someone posted instructions for that.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier