log(x^2) plot

Jo?o Vieira Gomes <vieiragomes at sapo.pt> writes:
> When I tried to plot log(x^2), maxima make the simplification 2log(x)
> and produces its graph. Those 2 functions are not equal because they
> do not have the same domain. How can we do to plot log(x^2) in maxima?

Switch off the logexpand flag:

(%i27) log(x^2);
(%o27)                             2 log(x)
(%i28) logexpand: false;
(%o28)                               false
(%i29) log(x^2);
(%o29)                              log(x )

Then eg

  plot2d(log(x^2), [x, -2, 2]);

gives what you wanted.

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