There is a package for string processing. See the German documentation
chapter 73. And there is a undocumented package for regex. You will
find some examples in the file share/stringproc/sregex.lisp in the
source code.
A short example session:
(%i1) load(sregex);
(%o1) /usr/local/share/maxima/5.29.1/share/stringproc/sregex.lisp
(%i2) str : "2*a^3+4*b^2+4*c"$
(%i3) regex_match("[a-z]\\^[0-9]+", str, 1);
(%o3) [a^3]
(%i4) regex_match_pos("[a-z]\\^[0-9]+", str, 1);
(%o4) [[3, 6]]
(%i5) substring(str, 3, 6);
(%o5) a^3
(%i6) substring(str, 6);
(%o6) +4*b^2+4*c
(%i7) regex_match_pos("[a-z]\\^[0-9]+", str, 6);
(%o7) [[9, 12]]
(%i8) substring(str, 9, 12);
(%o8) b^2
Are you sure you want regex? It is also possible to parse your string.
Then you can use all the available functions for expressions. E.g.
(%i9) expr : parse_string(str);
2 3
(%o9) 4 c + 4 b + 2 a
(%i10) display2d : false$
(%i11) expr : parse_string(str);
(%o11) 4*c+4*b^2+2*a^3
(%i12) coeff(expr, a^3);
(%o12) 2
Hope that helps to get started.
Volker van Nek
2013/1/8 Sean <seany at>:
> Hello all
> Wish you all a happy new year, if you follow the European/Georgian Calendar
> System ..
> I would like to know more about the regular expression search in maxima.
> Say i have a string "abcdefghijkl...."
> Starting at index I, in the direction forward or backward, i want to find a
> substring in form A^n B^m ..
> where A in {a,b,c,...,z}, 0<= n<= 1, m >= 1, etc (the exact reqs would of
> course depend on the problem in hand)..
> Where do I start, google does not seem to be much helpful, and i am kind of
> lost in the "The Maxima Book".
> Please help, Sorry for my bad Englisch.
> Regards from Germany
> Sean
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