>From mailnull Thu Jan 10 18:01:34 2013
From: Sean <seany at uni-bonn.de>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 19:00:06 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed
could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE guide me with the first
steps with cl-ppcre, so that i can start working already?
thank you very much!
(forwarded to Maxima list)
Well, I don't know which system and which lisp you are using so...
Get the cl-ppcre code. On Linux systems, you should be able to get it
through your package manager. Debian, my choice, has the
common-lisp-controller, which means you only need to install cl-ppcre
via apt-get and then
:lisp (require 'cl-ppcre)
in a running Maxima will do it. Should work for ubuntu, too.
On other systems, do what you normally do and download some dodgy
stuff from a dodgy site and cross your fingers ;-).
Ok, sorry, there is a modestly better solution for those wandering
about: get quicklisp (~cpan shell for lisp) from
http://www.quicklisp.org/ and use quicklisp to install cl-ppcre.
Assuming you use quicklisp, do
wget http://beta.quicklisp.org/quicklisp.lisp
maxima --lisp=sbcl
In the Maxima toplevel, type
to get the Lisp repl. Now follow the instructions on the quicklisp
page. To install cl-ppcre, see
The cl-ppcre is the best reference I have found for using it: