developers article about maxima

Dear all,
here in Germany exists a journal called "Computeralgebra Rundbrief" (online available: ), which reports about actual research (in industry and education), news or new software in the context of CAS .
I am part of the editor/author/publisher group and I just recognised that we already published articles about Reduce and Sage but NOT Maxima. 
Over the last two years since I am member of this list I got the impresssion that there is a core group which is very active in improving maximas abilities based on the online feedback of this list.  I am not quiet sure if there are persons from the very first beginning of maxima still active here but if so I would be delighted if someone of them could write/contribute a short article (4 pages) about maximas history and give an overview of its abilities and perspectives (recent innovations like imaxima or perhaps maxima for mobile devices or maxima online of CESGA) to our journal (of course in english, deadline is the middle of september).
Thanks in advance