On 01/14/2013 02:16 PM, Herbert wrote:
> I am user of wxMaxima since a lot of years, in a Linux (Ubuntu)
> system. In that system, I have no problems with plotting or drawing
> functions.
> Now, I use an iMac, too, with system 10.8.2, where I have wxMaxima
> 12.08.0 and Maxima 5.28.0 installed.
> When I try to use the plot or draw command, no drawings appear,
> wxMaxima simply 'hangs', no errors are reported on the screen.
> Plotting functions only with Gnuplot (version 4.6.1 is installed)
> works well in both, x11 and AquaTerm.
> Have you any idea how to 'convince' the system to plot or draw
> directly from wxMaxima?
> With my best regards,
> H. Ballmann
please try this command:
even if wxMaxima hangs, there is a chance that the file maxout.gnuplot
is created; please try to find that file and tell us the first few lines
which should be something like this:
set term pop
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "x^2"
set xrange [0. : 2. ]
set zeroaxis
set datafile missing "NaN"
plot [0. :2. ] '-' notitle with lines lt 3
You can also enter gnuplot and then issue the command:
load "path_to_file_maxout.gnuplot_in_you_system"
which should produce the plot.