No plots in aquaterm

On 1/14/13 7:48 AM, Jaime Villate wrote:
> On 01/14/2013 02:16 PM, Herbert wrote:
>> I am user of wxMaxima since a lot of years, in a Linux (Ubuntu)
>> system. In that system, I have no problems with plotting or drawing
>> functions.
>> Now, I use an iMac, too, with system 10.8.2, where I have wxMaxima
>> 12.08.0 and Maxima 5.28.0 installed.
>> When I try to use the plot or draw command, no drawings appear,
>> wxMaxima simply 'hangs', no errors are reported on the screen.
>> Plotting functions only with Gnuplot (version 4.6.1 is installed)
>> works well in both, x11 and AquaTerm.
>> Have you any idea how to 'convince' the system to plot or draw
>> directly from wxMaxima?
>> With my best regards,
>> H. Ballmann
> Hi,
> please try this command:
> plot2d(x^2,[x,0,2],[plot_format,gnuplot]);
> even if wxMaxima hangs, there is a chance that the file maxout.gnuplot
> is created; please try to find that file and tell us the first few lines
> which should be something like this:
> set term pop
> set xlabel "x"
> set ylabel "x^2"
> set xrange [0.     : 2.    ]
> set zeroaxis
> set datafile missing "NaN"
> plot [0.    :2.    ] '-' notitle with lines lt 3
> You can also enter gnuplot and then issue the command:
> load "path_to_file_maxout.gnuplot_in_you_system"
> which should produce the plot.
> Regards,
> Jaime

I don't reproduce this error with wxMaxima-12.09.0 and Maxima-5.29.1
installed through Fink on OS X 10.8.2--I am able to plot in the
gnuplot/aquaterm, openmath, and inline graphic formats.

Have you tried the other plot modes?  If those work then it's likely
that there is something unhappy in your gnuplot configuration.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
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